- Mr. Andy Lee Shiu Chuen
Chairman of Environmental Health and Safety Committee cum
Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary -
- In recent years, Hong Kong Baptist University has been striving for an environmental-friendly campus by developing and implementing a series of long-term environmental protection strategies, such as employing energy conservation means and practising green purchasing. Being the first tertiary education institution that aims at becoming a low carbon campus, the University has taken on the social responsibility in outreaching and partnering with the wider community to reduce carbon emission. In 2009, the Environmental Health and Safety Committee has successfully obtained HK$5 million from the University’s Strategic Development Fund. With this support, the Committee undertakes the project on “Sustainable Low Carbon Campus”, and a delegated “Task Force on Sustainable Campus” has been established to formulate sustainable policies for the University.
- There are three main objectives of the “Sustainable Low Carbon Campus” project: to increase energy’s efficiency level by better utilising University’s facilities; to expand campus greening area; and to promote a culture of low carbon lifestyle. An action plan has been formulated to achieve these objectives. We hope that in the next three years, we can reduce our carbon footprint and transform the University into a sustainable low carbon campus. Green lifestyle starts with you – simply start making some minor changes in your daily life today. I am sure that with the support from all of us, the University will become a model of sustainability in reducing carbon emissions.