2 June 2011


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 識「碳」惜食        要揀低碳飲食










Go Green          Eat a low-carbon diet

To lead a low-carbon life, you might consider two simple strategies: set your home and/or office air-conditioners to above 25.5 degrees Celsius and keep your paper use to a minimum. But did you also know that, in addition to other ways of reducing your carbon imprint, your diet also involves carbon emissions? A low-carbon diet saves our planet and it is good for our health too. The following three guidelines may help you to follow a low-carbon diet.

1. Less meat, more veggies

Carbon dioxide and other Greenhouse gases are emitted in the production of meat, particularly beef products. Methane, a greenhouse gas contributing to global warming, is released by cattle in the process of digestion. Also, deforestation is often required in order to provide large plots of land for raising cattle. Thus it is estimated that producing just 1 kg of beef releases 36 kg of carbon dioxide. According to the Hong Kong Ecological Footprint Report 2010 released by the World Wide Fund-Hong Kong, per person beef consumption in Hong Kong was 30 kg in 2010. On this basis, each resident of Hong Kong, by eating beef, has emitted more than one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent. Therefore, it follows that we should not only eat less beef but ideally, less meat and more vegetables. To this end, the canteens on our campus offer a healthy low-carbon menu to promote a low-carbon diet among staff and students.

2. Reduce food waste

It is also important to reduce food waste. The food waste problem is serious in Hong Kong, with 3,200 tonnes of food wastes sent to landfills every day. The higher education sector alone produces 45 tonnes of food waste (note) every day. Thus it is important to both order and consume sensible portions of food to avoid wastage. The University signed the “Food Waste Reduction” charter initiated by Greeners Action in March and has pledged to not only reduce food waste through various measures from April 2011 to March 2012 but also to encourage people to be judicious in their food consumption so as to achieve the target of reducing food waste by 5%.

3. Eat only what’s in season

Advances in agricultural technology enable us to enjoy virtually every kind of fruit and vegetable throughout the year. However, planting fruit out of its natural growing season involves an inordinate amount of energy expended on temperature adjustment and chemicals needed to hasten ripening. In addition, if the fruits and vegetables are grown overseas, transportation involves significant consumption of fuel and energy, thus increasing their carbon footprint. Hence, we can reasonably conclude that carbon emissions can be reduced by choosing fruit and vegetables grown in local and neighbouring areas.

The University is formulating a green catering policy and looks forward to your support in promoting HKBU as a low-carbon campus.

[ote]: Source: Press Release issued on 25 March 2011 by Greeners Action.



Old items transfer

Knowing that the end of the academic year meant that students were leaving their residences in May, a recycling campaign was organised by the Task Force on Sustainable Campus to encourage students to recycle items no longer needed such as clothing and small electrical appliances. The recycling campaign was carried out from 16 to 20 May, at Student Residential Halls and students showed their strong support by sending re-usable goods for recycling. The collected items (excluding food) were donated to Uni-YMCA (HKBU) and the revenue generated will be used to subsidise University-based events organised by the organisation. The collected unexpired food was donated to a food bank, for distribution to the needy.



綠    浸大
Green BU

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Under the recycling programme of HKBU, how many types of recyclables are being collected?


Answer correctly and you will have a chance to win an umbrella made from recycled plastic bottles! Send your answer with your name, faculty / department / office and contact information and email to tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk. The deadline is 17 June 2011.


省電笑哈哈 (擁抱低碳生活攝影比賽得奬作品)
The satisfaction of saving energy (Merit Award in Embrace Low Carbon Lifestyle Photo Competition)
Lee Wai Yu (School of Business)
Concept of the photo:
Just press a button to switch off the lights when leaving the room. This is an easy step to save energy, so why don’t you do so?

歡迎同學及同事把有關低碳或環保相片與大學社群分享!一經刊登將可獲取紀念品一份。請把相片及相片標題、姓名、所屬學院 / 學系 / 部門和聯絡方法電郵至tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk。截止日期為二零一一年六月十七日。

Students and colleagues are welcome to share with the University community photos of low carbon or environmental protection topics. Souvenirs will be awarded for winning photographs. Send your photos with photo titles, your name, faculty / department / office and email to tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk. Deadline for submission is 17 June 2011.


Green Shot

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www.lowcarbon.hkbu.edu.hk Task Force on Sustainable Campus
《低碳浸大》是由香港浸會大學可持續發展校園專責小組出版。《低碳浸大》保留所有文章及照片的版權。如有查詢請至電3411 7997或電郵至tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk
Low Carbon @ HKBU is an e-newsletter published by Task Force on Sustainable Campus of Hong Kong Baptist University. All rights reserved. For enquiry, please call 3411 7997 or email to tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk

Editorial Team: Dr. Stuart Christie, Dr. Chung Shan Shan, Dr. Alice Lee, Miss Florence Tam