BUGS Volunteering at S.living Campaign

BUGS Volunteering at S.living Campaign
BUGs members provided support at S. Living Campaign on advocate “simple living”, educating the society to adopt sustainable lifestyle. The aims of “S.Living” Campaign are to increase public awareness of simple living, and also encourage them understand and practise simple living. In short, the concept of simple living cover two parts: buy smart, and treat your unwanted/ unnecessary items properly.
Over-production and consumption are prevailing in today’s society. People unconsciously buy more than they need. Production and consumption, therefore is said to satisfy wants rather than needs. This only provides instant satisfaction and this social phenomenon also adversely affect the environment.
This kind of lifestyle, however is unsustainable. It requires natural resources equivalent to almost three planets. According to survey conducted by Wofoo Social Enterprises (Wofoo) in April 2017, 57% of interviewees possess compulsive hoarding behaviour. This survey result is alarming as this uncontrollable behaviour is now affecting people’s living environment as well as mental health.
In light of that, S. Living Campaign was organised to target kids and their parents. Through participating in upcycling workshops, they could transform unwanted items into daily necessities that they can use at school life. The event was also an occasion for the participating families to enjoy their time together, while learning the concept of green and upcycling.