Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme – Sustainable Fashion Webinars
Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme – Sustainable Fashion Webinars
To keep up with the rapidly changing nature of fashion and
ever-evolving style trends, we tend to buy clothing that we don’t really need.
Indeed every one second, one garbage truck full of clothes are being dumped. It
is important for us consumers to understand the consequences of our own actions
and learn about sustainable options to make more responsible choices. Register
for the Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme– Sustainable Fashion
Webinars to learn about second hand, slow & fair fashion, clothing
swaps, local production, recycled materials and more! Let our choices transform
the fashion industry towards a more circular and socially responsible system!
Register now at
Event Format: Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Sustainable Fashion: Renewable and Recycled Materials
Speaker: Ronnie Tung, Strategy & New Project Lead of
HKRITA (The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel)
Date: 13 April 2022
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Language: English
Sustainable Fashion: Circular Fashion
Speaker: Corane Chu, Circular Fashion Programme Manager of
Date: 14 April 2022
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Language: English
Limited seats for each session, enroll now! For details,
please refer to the QR code on the poster or the above URL link.